Emotions trapped in the body with Dr. Louise Swartswalter

This week on The Less Stressed Life Podcast, I am joined by Dr. Louise Swartswalter. In this episode, we talked all about emotions stored in the body.
While my guest had the calming aura and appearance of my sonâs kindergarten teacher, she used some of our interview time to read my ancestral energy and how it might be affecting blocks for me currently. đł
So if youâd like to hear my family secrets or are just curious about what âenergy workâ can look like, Dr. Swartswalter has you covered.
I look at different modalities practitioners use with curiosity to find connections and common denominators. While it will all look different, I think youâll continue to see integrative and holistic practitioners focus more and more on the nervous system.
- What is neuro biofeedback?
- How energetics and emotions affect the physical body
- How you become a medical intuitive
For over twenty years, Dr. Louise Swartswalter has been helping transform lives individually and in groups using a unique multi-dimensional approach, including Naturopathy, biofeedback, trauma release work, NLP, life coaching, and energy work. Louise is the owner and founder of the Brain-Soul Success Academy and the creator of the BRAIN system TM, a five-step transformational program serving clients worldwide. She is passionate about connecting, clearing blocks to success and helping others achieve their optimal health and highest potential. Using a combination of tools, Louise has helped people move from anxiety to calm in one session. Dr. Swartswalterâs unique multiâdimensional approach has helped 45,000 clients in the last twenty years reach success in their lives. âLouise finds the things in me no one else finds.â One client told her that âone session felt like sixteen years of therapy,â while another said, âshe saved my life.â Dr. Louise enjoys speaking and teaching globally and has shared with audiences on KOB-TV, Good Day New Mexico, KOB radio, as well as events and professional organizations. Attend one of her powerful events and learn the BRAIN System tools. Schedule her for your next big event!
WEBSITE: www.louiseswartswalter.com
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/louise.swartswalter
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/louiseswartswalter/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/abqnaturalhealth
Brain Soul Success Assessment https://www.louiseswartswalter.com/brain-soul-success-assessment/
On IG: instagram.com/anti.inflammatory.nutritionist/
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[00:00:00] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Stress starts in the energy field, then it affects your physical body and so does pain. So the pain that you have like in your shoulder, even if it's an injury, there's still emotions that are trapped there, and we've gotta release those. At the same time, we work on the physical structural body.
[00:00:18] Christa: Stress is the inflammation that robs us of life, energy, and happiness.
[00:00:25] Christa: Our typical solutions for gut health and hormone balance. Have let a lot of us down we're overmedicated and underserved at the less trust life. We are a community of health savvy women exploring solutions outside of our traditional Western medicine toolbox and training to raise the bar and change our stories.
[00:00:44] Christa: Each week, our hope is that you leave our sessions inspired to learn, grow, and share these stories to raise the bar in your life and home.[00:01:00]
[00:01:01] Christa: All right. Today on the Less Stress Life we have Dr. De Louise Swartz Walter. For over 20 years, she's been helping transform lives individually and in groups using a multidimensional approach, including naturopathy, biofeedback, trauma release work, N L P, life Coaching and Energy Work. She's the owner and founder of the Brain Soul Success Academy and the creator of the Brain System, which is a five step transformational program serving clients worldwide, which we're gonna talk about.
[00:01:29] Christa: She is passionate about connecting and clearing blocks to success and helping others achieve optimal health and highest potential. Using a combination of tools, she's helped people move from anxiety to calm. In one session, and I have to add this last piece. One client told her that one session felt like 16 years of therapy while another said she saved my life so, I love comments like this.
[00:01:53] Christa: One of my top three core values is efficiency. And alls I hear when someone says one session felt like 16 years of therapy is, that [00:02:00] sounds very efficient. Very nice. , excellent work, Dr. Swartz Walter. So welcome. Welcome to the show today.
[00:02:05] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Oh, I'm so happy to be here. Thank you so much for having me, Christa.
[00:02:09] Christa: Yeah, you've collected quite a collect. Tools, right? Yeah. So you were trained as a naturopath. I'd like to just hear about some of this story because we're such an interesting, first it connects us to you and second, that's really all we are is just a collection of stories. But I am generally curious about people, and I am curious how you added these tools and how everything kind of came to be that you started doing more, I don't wanna say spiritual work, but brain work.
[00:02:38] Christa: Brain Mind, brain chemistry work, which we'll kind of try to make that more tangible shortly. But how did that come together? Because, I mean, and you're in New Mexico I think. I'm in
[00:02:48] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: New Mexico. Yeah. I was, was born and raised in Chicago though, and I got really sick after my son was born. Mm-hmm. , I'm sure it was hormone imbalance back then, but no one picked it up.
[00:02:58] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And he ended on, [00:03:00] on this path of, you know, first seeing all the medical doctors that couldn't help me with a lot of, they didn't even have the right diagnosis and say, Hey, you have fibromyalgia, you have chronic fatigue, you have lupus, you have beginning ms, you've got this going on. And so I had to really get healthy.
[00:03:14] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: For my kids. So my biggest why at that time was I just really wanted to be a mom to my kids. Mm-hmm. And I was sick. I mean, I was on oxygen for three years. I had no front teeth. I was 89 pounds. I was dying. And so, you know, when you hit the bottom like that, there's nowhere to look, but. up. And I remember even at that time picking up the Bible and going, maybe this isn't a psychology book.
[00:03:38] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I should read it, . Maybe I need to to get closer to God. Maybe this is the message at this time. You know? So that led me on a spiritual journey as well as a health journey. And I tried everything. I did everything from chiropractor to acupuncture, to everything. So my own healing journey was really what spurred me into becoming a naturo.[00:04:00]
[00:04:00] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: But I've always done the brain because I was a special education teacher and a dyslexic therapist, and I was very interested in why those kids couldn't read, write and spell, and what the difference was between them from one day to the next. And I found out that they had a lot of food sensitivities and allergies just like myself.
[00:04:19] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And so that got me curious and I, my own brain didn't work. That's how it became the brain expert. My phone number was written in my wallet. At that time, I was really sick. I couldn't remember anything. And I was in my thirties. Hmm. And so I was like, gosh, you know, I gotta get my brain power back. I gotta get my health back.
[00:04:35] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So I tried everything and it took me a very long time. And just like everyone, you start with a physical, So just like what you do, Christa, you know, and then they didn't have functional medicine doctors. I saw an osteopathic doctor who figured out my vitamins and supplements. Mm-hmm. , you know, so, hey, you need to take this, you need to, you know, treat this allergy.
[00:04:54] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: You need to do this. And so I did all that. And yet I still didn't feel good. I was like, [00:05:00] okay, I'm doing this. I'm being really diligent. I'm disciplined with all this. And so I call that the body piece. We take care of our bodies. All the lifestyle changes, the good food, the organic food, the juicing, the wheat grass, the whole deal.
[00:05:14] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: and I still didn't feel like myself. So it led me on my journey of really looking at, Hey, maybe I need to work with my emotions. Maybe it's spiritual. So now, you know, years later. So that's how I became a naturopath in the first place. I kind of said to myself, it's funny, I was like, You know, I think I have all this knowledge now.
[00:05:32] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I just need the paper on the wall .
[00:05:35] Christa: So that sounds like a long journey yet. Didn't that take a while? ,
[00:05:39] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: you
[00:05:40] Christa: know, and so, and your brain wasn't working, so, and my brain wasn't working. So when
[00:05:44] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I, how do you even do that , you know, and so I started getting my brain power back slowly and actually neurobio feedback when I found that I was in naturopathic school at the same time, that helped me a.
[00:05:57] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So I was one of the very first frequency medicine [00:06:00] doctors. Like I started this, you know, 25 years ago and today I have five different neuro biofeedback type programs. Mm-hmm and I use them all interchangeably. It's funny cuz my friends will sell them all and only keep the last one I got. , like 12 computers around my house, , you know, I just, because I can use them for different things, for different people.
[00:06:20] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. , but really the brain system came to be because I wanted to do body, mind, spirit, and I started learning energy work. Mm-hmm. . So I combined it all. Well, let's
[00:06:30] Christa: give a quick definition to the thing that helped you a lot at that time, which is neurobio feedback. Will you describe that? Mm-hmm. .
[00:06:35] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yeah, so Neurobio feedback, the type that I use is more like bioresonance, which just means that what it's doing is it's reading your electrical body and looking at where you're out of balance physically and mentally and spiritually.
[00:06:49] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So we can actually put you in balance with frequency. Think of it as similar to sound frequency. or sound healing. Some of it is sound, but some of it is [00:07:00] actually a vibration or a frequency. And so are you familiar with Rife Royal Rife? Mm-hmm. ?
[00:07:06] Christa: I am. Not that everyone else is. I don't talk about it here.
[00:07:09] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Oh, okay.
[00:07:09] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Well, Royal Rife, what he did is he, he created programs where he had frequencies that would actually zap pathogens, so mm-hmm. , so certain kinds of cancers he was working with in, I think in the 1950s. The kind of programs that I have is like a rife system on steroid. It does way more than just sound therapy and frequency.
[00:07:30] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. . So that's what I've been using for 20 years and so much so that even when I first started, I started with my business with my dyslexic A D H D kids and their families. And when I learned that I could work with groups, I got them all in a room and I said, Hey guys, I can work on you at the same time every Wednesday night.
[00:07:50] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I'm gonna send you frequency, all long distance. . I know. So you're going, how can you do that long distance? Right? You think, Hey, someone needs to come to your [00:08:00] office and need to hook them up with wires and everything to this neurobio feedback program. Well, we did that too. But there is a way to send frequency long distance, much like you can send a prayer.
[00:08:12] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And the example I use is like sending a text message. Hmm. Right? How do those words end up on your phone and not your sisters, your brothers, your partners, your mother? Why does it only end up on your phone? Think about how many phones there are on the planet. They say, we have more cell phones on the planet, or more brain connections in your brain than there are cell phones on the planet.
[00:08:34] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Hmm.
[00:08:35] Christa: Interesting analogy. I know. So this is a long time ago. People think you're crazy. Oh
[00:08:41] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: yeah, I didn't care. , not that I was crazy, but actually I did. It was really cool. I'm in New Mexico. Mm-hmm. , we have a lot of Kuda das here and a lot of Native American healers. Mm-hmm. . And so there's an open-mindedness here.
[00:08:53] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And so I was able to build a very successful, you know, center, Albuquerque Natural Health Center, which I just sold and [00:09:00] moved home because my business online is growing and now I work with entrepreneurs and help them change their brains, change their life, and uplevel their business. .
[00:09:09] Christa: Mm-hmm. . So going back to the Rife system on steroids, I think you said you built your own neuro biofeedback programs.
[00:09:15] Christa: That's a thing you could do, huh?
[00:09:16] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yeah, I did. I added my own. I used a certain platform and then I added my own, what we call trays, or I add my own information to it. So all the brain work that I've been doing over the years, so I have a tray of. all the brain nutrition of the neurotransmitters, of the brain, connections, you know, different parts of the brain.
[00:09:35] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So I can actually work on the brain, your body, your spirit, intentions or affirmations all at the same time. So I am doing sort of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and then I created this energy work and was exposed to this energy work in the field. And what I found Christa, is pain and stress. , and I know this is all about stress.
[00:09:57] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: This is what you're doing here on your podcast. [00:10:00] Stress starts in the energy field. Mm-hmm. . Then it affects your physical body and so does pain. So the pain that you have like in your shoulder, even if it's an injury, there's still emotions that are trapped there and we've gotta release those. At the same time, we work on the physical structural.
[00:10:18] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I
[00:10:18] Christa: love the concept or conversation of emotions trapped in the body. Mm-hmm. , it's, it gets lightly talked about, but it's actually, I haven't found great people to talk to me about it. Can we talk about that for a moment? Mm-hmm. , it could be different for everyone, but in Chinese medicine mm-hmm. , it's like anger is trapped in the liver.
[00:10:35] Christa: Mm-hmm. . Um, do you feel, I think what you're doing is a little more specific, a little different. Do you feel, or do you have anything to say about like certain emotions being trapped in certain parts of the. Usually. Typically,
[00:10:46] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: yeah. Yeah. You know what? In Chinese medicine that's true. However, you can have a trapped emotion of anger anywhere.
[00:10:51] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: It doesn't have to be the liver. Mm-hmm. . It can be in the singulate, gyus of the brain. It can be in cervical five, it can be in your [00:11:00] stomach. Mm-hmm. , you know, so we get trapped emotion in your physical body, but they start in the field. Mm-hmm. . So what I figured out is we have to clear what I call the spaces in the.
[00:11:10] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So your brain is a physical organ, but it's also spiritual. And so if you think about a picture of a brain, like in an anatomy book, there's spaces is in that brain. and those spaces is where you actually get those motions and those trauma stuck. And the person that did the research on this, Dr. Hamer, is a German doctor.
[00:11:30] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: He is called Hamer New Medicine, and what he discovered was that trauma actually creates a lesion, or I call it like a little cellular memory bump in your brain. And he took pictures. He did spec. And he found that certain kinds of traumas were connected to certain types of cancers or illnesses. Hmm. And he put whole charts together on this.
[00:11:52] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Well, I figured out energetically how to release those lesions in the brain.
[00:11:58] Christa: Hmm. Well that's kind of a big deal here. [00:12:00] This is not like small potatoes. It's really big. This was a lot of practice. Louise .
[00:12:05] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Oh, you know what I, it's just, you know, when I, well, I'm older. , I've been around a while, you guys, and I mean, it was a journey and I know we all have a journey.
[00:12:14] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: We all have a path. We learn from it. You know, oftentimes healers really do go through some kind of health crisis or a crisis in their life to sort of awaken that intuition and awaken that energy. To allow their gift to shine in the world. And I didn't know that was gonna happen to me. I just was gonna be a school teacher the rest of my life in Illinois with the 2.1 kids and the puppy dog and the white picket fence.
[00:12:37] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Hmm. And that didn't happen. . Yeah. Right. So
[00:12:41] Christa: much happened, man. Yeah. Lots of practice to get to that point. So I wanna get into the brain system, but before we get all the way in, I want to address, and maybe it just doesn't matter, but I think. . I tend to, if I have people coming to me for physical things, I will struggle with helping them understand the [00:13:00] energetics and emotions that are wrapped up into the physical body.
[00:13:02] Christa: Mm-hmm. . Um, because we tend to think, well, this is just how I am and I don't think I'm stressed or I don't think I have this problem. So it's really, there's a lot of self-awareness that has to happen. And what would you say about that if people. , you know, aren't in touch with that energetic side, or they're just really not sure.
[00:13:19] Christa: I think like seeing, can be believing for all of us, right? Like when we experience something, we believe in it, but, mm-hmm. before that step, what do you say about people who don't think that they have traumas or don't think that they have stresses or don't think that there's something they can do with it?
[00:13:33] Christa: That's a
[00:13:33] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: great question. It's a really good question. I'm actually struggling with that question because what, I guess what I do is I demonst. , you know, because you're right. You're not gonna convince somebody that they have this trauma if they don't believe they do. Yeah. However, what I can do as a medical intuitive is I go into the field and I'm like, Hey, this happened at age six with your dad, and here's the situation and here's the words about it.
[00:13:58] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And then they look at me and [00:14:00] like, how did you know that ? Mm-hmm. , you know, and. I'm helping them see that it's possible that that could be the connection between why they still have, you know, these viruses in their body that they've never gotten rid of, or they still have Lyme disease or whatever's going on, and it's connected often to a trauma.
[00:14:19] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: because, so we have to release things multi-dimensionally to work. And the reason why I figured this out, honestly, is because when I was a special ed teacher and I became a dyslexic therapist, we did what you read, write here, feel and see at the same time to change those kids' brains. So it was called a multi-sensory program.
[00:14:42] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And I remember skywriting in the air B bat, b t, table, T, a apple at, and then putting it together, buh at. So if you can't see what I'm doing, I'm kind of writing and cursive in the air. Hmm. Right. And so it's, you get to see it, you get to [00:15:00] say it, so you're hearing the sounds, you know, you get to feel it cuz it's a feeling thing.
[00:15:04] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: We would also write in sand, and in six months those kids would jump two grade levels in reading. . Now, I was trained as a teacher, special ed teacher. I'd done that for years. And when I started learning that program, I went, wow, how come I didn't know this before? And then this light bulb went off on my own healing journey cuz my brain didn't work.
[00:15:25] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And I was always interested in these kids' brains. And I went, oh, we're not doing a multi-sensory dimensional approach in healing and health. And yet to change the brain the way we did it with the kids. was a multisensory program. Why can't we do that in health and healing? Yeah, that's a
[00:15:44] Christa: good epiphany.
[00:15:45] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And that's why the brain system came to be, I was like, okay, I get the body piece. We're all doing that. You know, eat healthy, exercise, all that good stuff, but we need to add the other pieces. Mm-hmm. . And so that's how it became, it's just an acronym that [00:16:00] actually stands for, so the B is the body piece.
[00:16:02] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. , that's everything you do. And all the functional medicine doctors do. And then R is releasing. , and so it's releasing the mental chatter, the emotional baggage, and those trauma. And then a is aligning with spirit, Spirit's, always a part of health and healing, whatever God means to you, whatever you believe, and then I is integrating your brain frequencies to your soul's true purpose.
[00:16:26] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I'm sure you see this too, Christa, if people don't have a purpose, it's harder to get well. .
[00:16:33] Christa: Mm-hmm. . Well, it's hard to actually go through life. You're always thinking that there's a gap or something's missing, and it usually boils down to purpose, and it's very interesting. Mm-hmm. because they just, mm-hmm.
[00:16:41] Christa: If you can give yourself some space to observe and to think, what is the common denominator? Connection is one of my core values, so I like to think about common denominators as I observe things like, what do all these people have in common as I see this, and so purpose comes up.
[00:16:54] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I love that and I love that word connection.
[00:16:57] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. , that's one of my favorite words too. I can tell [00:17:00] we're really aligned here. . .
[00:17:02] Christa: I like it. Good. Yeah, that's took me a minute to arrive at that word I thought come denominators communication, but it's really the connection. And what is a challenge on the note of connection is that so often our connections can be quite superficial.
[00:17:18] Christa: Accidentally or intentionally, however we wanna think about it, because of how the world can be. We're kind of in this manufactured sense of urgency all the time, . And so it's hard to actually connect with people deeply. And so between purpose and connection, that's where people really feel a lot of gaps in life actually.
[00:17:35] Christa: Like speaking of traumas and betrayal and all those things. A lot of it. Mm-hmm. , a lot of that stuff. Can these common themes kind of come up again and again?
[00:17:42] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yeah, they absolutely do. And that's, yeah, again, that's one of my favorite things too, I think, of connection, consistency, and compassion. Mm-hmm. as the three, you know, important ingredients in a business.
[00:17:53] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. in growing business. Yeah, absolutely.
[00:17:57] Christa: Yeah. So on I you said integrating [00:18:00] brain frequency with soul's. True. Purpose. Purpose. Purpose. Right.
[00:18:02] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So's, we've got the B R I and then the N is the new program. And this is often missed in health and healing or anything where you're working on yourself.
[00:18:12] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Self-growth kind of programs. We've got to put the new program in. We can take out the old and release the old pattern. But we're not putting in the new program of how you wanna show up now and what you wanna do in your life now. Mm-hmm. . So that's some very high powered energy work that we do for the new program.
[00:18:31] Christa: When I think of this, I think about the neural programming that happens, right? Releasing the old neuro pathway, kind of bulldozing the old road that says like, I'm just gonna keep driving down that if I want a new life, I'm gonna bulldoze the road. With that thought process and I'm gonna build this new road over here.
[00:18:47] Christa: Mm-hmm. , and again, I see these same kind of, I think it's important to find similarities in different people's messages. Mm-hmm. , because even if you may or may not resonate with Louise, you may or may not resonate with the person from last week's podcast. You might [00:19:00] next week. But there are definitely when people are doing things that are helpful, I definitely think that there are these underlying common denominators and connections.
[00:19:08] Christa: Building these new neural pathways and maybe you're gonna describe it differently or you're gonna say no, it's not quite that. But that's what I think of when you think of new programming. Yes. Cause I think of how do I make this make sense in my brain, right? Mm-hmm. . So when I think about body and the body piece, like you said, the physical, I always talk about kind of a triad and, and with the triad there is the, uh, emotional piece, and there's the structural piece or the external piece, and there's the internal piece.
[00:19:28] Christa: And this one takes you quite a bit deeper. I would say it's pretty much all. Internal, emotional, et cetera. But the body piece is that real structural external piece and also the physical pieces of what you were doing with your osteopath. Right. But until you released some of this baggage, which I'm sure I'm guessing part of your own journey in releasing, that helped you kind of figure out and develop that this was something that you could use with everyone.
[00:19:52] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yeah. You know, it's been a journey. It really has. I mean, I just kind of picked up tools over here and over here and over here and I, right. Kind of just synthesized it [00:20:00] about kind of making those connections that you're talking about, you know, helping people really think about that. And so I just distilled it all down and it just became this process.
[00:20:08] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And really, I mean, my clients and Albuquerque Natural Health Centers, they were my practice. For really what I'm doing now. You know, I would learn this new energy work, I'd go in all excited and I'd be like, Hey, we're gonna do this today. . Mm-hmm. , you know, and I would add it. And what I figured out is when I did it more multi-dimensionally that way, and it wasn't just straight neurobio feedback, but I was really putting, I'm good at the body, I'm a great detective cuz of my own journey.
[00:20:34] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. , so I can nail what parasite you've got. I can nail what's going on, what heavy metal you have without having to do a lot of expensive testing. Mm-hmm. , I'm really good at that because. Had to go through that and I practiced a lot so we can really figure out what's going on there. But more than that, I'm, we can figure out what's happening in the energy field that also got stuck in those spaces of the brain, those emotions, those traumas.
[00:20:59] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: There's a process [00:21:00] I do called Brain Soul balancing, where we're looking at that and it's kind of a medical intuitive process and I can figure out what's happening. What surprises me is that I can do it on a whole group. Hmm.
[00:21:11] Christa: That is, Yeah,
[00:21:13] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: feel. Yeah. And they'll, and they'll tell me later, they'll be like, you know that string that you did, the one that was at age eight with mom, that was my mom.
[00:21:23] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And I'll get those comments all the time and they'll be like, I slept for the first time in years. Or, you know, that, that thing that you did the other day, you nailed it. That's exactly what I went through. You know, the, and I, again, I'm just going in the energy field and figuring it out.
[00:21:38] Christa: Couple things. I was gonna ask you this earlier.
[00:21:40] Christa: When you start as a special ed teacher and then you become a naturopath, you know, there's, you have a lot of things in the toolbox, but how do you become a medical intuitive? Some people say that, like, that's a gift. Or I, I grew up with this, or all of these things. So how did you determine that? Because I feel like that's a.
[00:21:55] Christa: Kind of a big, usually people just identify as that. But Louise is over here with 10 different things she's [00:22:00] got
[00:22:00] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: in the toolbox. Yeah. You know, that's a good question. I actually did take a class, um, I studied Hannah Kroger's work in like 2000, I think 2003, something like that. And then they also had a medical intuitive class the following summer.
[00:22:12] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So I went up there and took that class. I really believe it's about developing intuition. . Hmm. And again, what I didn't know is now, I mean, I teach the system now. I have a whole academy, so I teach the brain system. And when you teach the tools to de-stress yourself in this energy work and how to do the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, all the emotions, people who have been sick for years or on a self-growth path and wanna uplevel or triple their businesses, it happens cuz you're working on you.
[00:22:42] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. . So I didn't know I could teach it, but most people have. Everyone has an intuitive side. Mm-hmm. And it can be worked with and enhanced. And the way that it's enhanced really is the brain system. When you get back to a hundred percent your [00:23:00] soul's truth, that's when your intuitions get sharper and you can almost be that medical intuitive and the more practice you do with that.
[00:23:09] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I didn't know I could teach it. Christa and I have people who can do what I do now. I wanted to clone myself. I'm like, how can I help more people? My goal is, you know, to change 10 million brains by 2025, so the only way to do it is to. That's
[00:23:22] Christa: really interesting because usually I've had people say like, I just grew up this way, or whatever.
[00:23:26] Christa: This is out of touch thing. So you said for skeptics that demonstration is your most valuable tool, and so I think there is some kind of demonstration we can do here today. I'm gonna let you kind of guide however it should go or what it's gonna be called, cause I don don't know if it's brain cell balancing or mind gemming or whatever.
[00:23:45] Christa: All these things that you've kind of collated and made into your own. So I'm gonna let you lead whatever demonstration you think would be valuable or helpful to help our client, our our audience. See
[00:23:56] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: and I muscle test everything, so I use kinesiology and I [00:24:00] muscle test. If you can't see what I'm doing, I'm just like using my finger in a way where I'm, if you're familiar with kinesiology, it's where you're working with somebody in your muscle testing, meaning you're having them put their arm out and you're gently pushing down on it, and you're sort of calibrating their system to get sort of a yes and no.
[00:24:18] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So it's using the muscles that are connected to the nervous system to get. Hmm. And I got really good at muscle testing myself when I was sick. I used to have to wait for my kids to come home from school and use them as a surrogate, and then I was like, no, this isn't working anymore. I need to figure this out,
[00:24:33] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So that's how I really learned it. I kind of sort of self-taught, so I will test and we'll find out what's the highest interest for your audience right now, you know? So I'm kind of using your energy field, picking up your audience and saying, What's gonna benefit your audience the most in terms of demonstration?
[00:24:50] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Should we do a few mind gems? Get a yes. So mind gems is just a way of balancing the brain rings in the field, the energy field around your [00:25:00] brain. So this is the science actually of the energy field of your brain. You actually have capacitor rings almost like an Adam. So here's the nucleus and here's the rings around the atom.
[00:25:12] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And so when those energetic rings are off, your brain will feel off and you'll have an off day. And mind gems is a tool to put them back in balance. So very simply, let's just do one, I call it polarity balance, is just take your right hand and put it on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder.
[00:25:32] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So we're crossing in front of your, in front of your chest here, and we hold it for 12 seconds. And this balance is polarity. So think of it as balancing the yin and yang in your body. You know, the polarity, and then we switch it. Meaning if my right hand is on top, I'm gonna switch and put my left hand on top.
[00:25:52] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And so there's 12 of these little handheld positions that balance those rings around the brain. And I tell people to, you know, do 'em for 21 days and [00:26:00] you'll notice a difference. And people do, you'll be more focused, you'll sleep better, you'll be more balanced. And then the next part of, I think what we wanna do is actually demonstrate brain soul balancing.
[00:26:12] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And so how I do that is just walk down some goals with you. So I would say, okay, if you're representing your group here, Christa, what would you wanna have changed or be different maybe around the topic of stress or whatever you see most often with your
[00:26:26] Christa: people. I would say the first step is always awareness and realization because it's so hard to change something if you don't think it affects.
[00:26:34] Christa: That would be the, the big thing. Okay. So, but then sometimes it can be an issue because sometimes over awareness becomes that neural pathway of, I'm sick, I'm sick, I'm stressed, I'm stressed, and they just feel like they're in a sponge cycle and out of control for it. So there's two pieces to that. It's.
[00:26:49] Christa: Helping you see that it's an issue, but also not letting it be an overwhelm, being letting it be an opportunity that you can do something. Okay.
[00:26:56] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So what would you wanna say that's a positive statement about that? How do [00:27:00] you want to feel? You want
[00:27:01] Christa: to feel a sense of calm, purpose and in control.
[00:27:05] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So I feel, so I'm just gonna write this down.
[00:27:07] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I feel calm, a sense of purpose and in. So if you were feeling calm, this sense of purpose and in control, what would you be doing then you're not doing now
[00:27:19] Christa: to create those things or after? Like what would the results be?
[00:27:23] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yeah, what would the results be? If you really were feeling calm and you were feeling the sense of purpose and you're feeling in control, what would you see yourself doing that you're really not doing now?
[00:27:33] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. Okay.
[00:27:35] Christa: I. I would be playing with my enjoying relationships deeper, whether that's with family or children or romantic relationships. I think I would be waking up with energy and excited about whatever work I'm doing to create a change in the world. Okay. And I would feel like I have a schedule that really.
[00:27:56] Christa: gives me exactly what I want through the day and in my [00:28:00] body and in my brain. I guess if I'm thinking about being in control, I feel like I know what to do to put myself, to create these things in my life. It's out of my reach or out of my control.
[00:28:09] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Okay. So I feel calm, a sense of purpose and in control.
[00:28:13] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I'm enjoying relationships more deeply. I wake up with energy. I forgot what the rest of that was, to
[00:28:18] Christa: do all that. Oh, purpose to, yeah, to do to, and, and in good purpose with what you wanted, the impact you wanna make in. Okay. To
[00:28:25] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: do what? I want to make the impact. Okay. To make impact something with your schedule.
[00:28:31] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I'm in charge of a schedule to do all that I want.
[00:28:33] Christa: Yeah. I think I'm in charge. I know. Or maybe a different idea. Would I know how to give my body the things that it needs to feel like I can control symptoms or changes or how I want to feel like I have control over how to make myself feel okay
[00:28:50] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: so I know how to give my body what I need.
[00:28:53] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yeah. Okay. If you knew how to give your body what you need and you were waking up with energy to do your dream, to make that [00:29:00] impact in the world, you're enjoying relationships more deeply and you're feeling calm and on purpose and in control, how would all that make you feel?
[00:29:08] Christa: That's a great life, Louise.
[00:29:10] Christa: It's a beautiful life that feels very happy. I think there's just really a couple, couple emotions and happy as one of '
[00:29:17] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: em. Okay. So you feel happy
[00:29:17] Christa: and what? Happy. And I would say feeling in awe is a really good thing to have awe in, in self. Okay,
[00:29:26] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna draw a box on this paper, and I'm putting that you're feeling happy, you're feeling in awe.
[00:29:33] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: You know what your body needs kind of a, you know, a shorthand of all of these. You're enjoying your relationships more. You're calm, you're in purpose, you're on purpose. You're in control and you have that energy to do all that you want. Right? Yeah. So then I just ask, so we've got all that good stuff. So what I did is I walked that down with sort of some NLP questions.
[00:29:54] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Hmm. So I walked down the goal to get to sort of the nitty gritty of how you're, and, and there's different questions I [00:30:00] allow, I, I'm doing sometimes it's a telling yourself I'm feeling, and you get down to those feeling. Okay. And I put all that in a box and then I'm just gonna get, again, I'm going into the energy field and testing and saying who or what is pulling you away from those goals?
[00:30:15] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Hmm. So then I just say, okay, well there's at least tooth strings, maybe three, and I draw strings off from the paper. So I got a box with strings. Mm-hmm. . Okay. and so we call this brain soul balancing or a soul tie box. Okay. Then I'm just muscle testing and I'm asking, what is pulling Christa away from this?
[00:30:35] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Is this a male or a female? Is a female in your field? Is this a client? Is this family member? Is this your mom? Yes. Is this children Now? This is your mom. What's your mom's first?
[00:30:46] Christa: My mom's first name is Jane.
[00:30:48] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Jane, okay. Is this with you and mom? Is this just mom? This is Mom's energy. In your field, is this mom's energy in your field at a certain time in your life?
[00:30:58] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yes. Were you [00:31:00] age zeros through five. Five through 10. Often things start in childhood. So this is something at age six. So is this mom's energy in your feel at age six? Yes. And then I can do it with the power of the spoken Word of the truth will set you free. So I just look at lists of words and so I go, what's happening at age six now?
[00:31:18] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Do you actually remember anything at age six with mom?
[00:31:21] Christa: Not really. I mean I have like one picture that comes to mind of me playing in a park with my friend sitting on the gravel and holding the rocks. And cuz I think sometimes you've been asked about your earliest memory and Yep. I don't really remember particular earliest memory.
[00:31:35] Christa: I mean, I can remember my relationship with my mother. My mother was a very busy person, just kind of always like running around and doing the things that hasn't changed. It's easy for me to see that now because I can. I can see that I, she's a busy person. Okay. She's a busy lady running around and, and doing all kinds of busy work all the time.
[00:31:52] Christa: Right. With lots of kids. I was five of six. You
[00:31:54] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: were five of six, okay. Wow. And were you fifth in of
[00:31:58] Christa: the sixth? I'm, I'm fifth of [00:32:00] the sixth, but there's actually seven. My infant brother died when I was seven. Okay. So she was, Pregnant when I was six, I guess maybe. So she
[00:32:07] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: was pregnant. Okay. And died when you were seven.
[00:32:10] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Okay. So does it have to do with the brother? No, it does have to do with your mom. I get your mom. So insecurity, lost lack of control. So these are the emotions that were in the field, in your mom's field, but you were six. So when we're little kids, we pull in our parents' energy because we want them to feel better.
[00:32:31] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. . So we often take it on and then we play it out in our lifetime. and one of the words is lack of control here in security and, and lost. And so if that's how your mom felt here, she's pregnant with all these kids, right? No, I always think, oh my gosh, anyone who's pregnant has got a lot of emotions.
[00:32:48] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. of going on. Is there another word I need to name A through M through z M N O. Is it overwhelmed? It's overwhelmed. So, , that insecurity, that loss, that [00:33:00] lack of control and needy, and the overwhelm. And here's how we clear the brain and the soul. We says, was that a liar, a thief, or fraud on your happiness and you feeling in control?
[00:33:10] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Now it's a thief. What did it do? It stole your hope, your comfort to have, and you clarity. So we're reclaiming hope. We're reclaiming comfort to have, and we're reclaiming clarity and trust. Is there another word I need to say? No. So we're just gonna say, I destroyed on creating any judgments, assumptions, projections, conclusions, decisions about whatever happened at age six and all the energy you may have pulled in from your mom.
[00:33:38] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: We release that now, let it go. Allow you to be free to feel happy, to feel in awe and calm and. In your purpose and in control and enjoy relationships and do what you wanna do in the world. Good and bad, right and wrong. Pot and pop, all night shorts, Boise ambiance. And then I usually have people tap the bottom of your foot.
[00:33:57] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So you just take an open hand. It doesn't matter which [00:34:00] foot, I'm just gonna hit my shoe. So we're just gonna hit our foot. . Awesome. Okay. There's another string here. What is it affecting? It's affecting you knowing what your body needs. And so is this a male female or a situation? It's a situation. Is it recent or old?
[00:34:14] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: It's an old situation. Is it something with you? Yes. You and family? No. You and friend? No. You yourself. So this is you yourself. So it's an old situ. What does that mean? Were you a kid? Were you a teenager? You were a teenager. 10 through 15. 15 to 2015. 16, 17, maybe 17. So you were 17. When you were 17. Is this just something you alone or with someone else Feels like you were, this is your stuff, remember anything at
[00:34:43] Christa: 17?
[00:34:44] Christa: Well, I was a senior in high school and a week before my 17th birthday, and I got pregnant with my daughter who is now 17, which is kind of cool. But I was a senior and I was kind of a wild child. and Okay. A lot of things could have happened there because it was a wild, kind of a wild [00:35:00] party child at age 17.
[00:35:02] Christa: Okay. Okay.
[00:35:03] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I think, okay, so wild party child, so pregnant with daughters 17 and 17. That must be your lucky number. .
[00:35:11] Christa: I always thought seven
[00:35:11] was .
[00:35:13] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: That's awesome. You know, that's a very spiritual number. . There's seven syllables between every like little stanza in the Bible. Hmm. So let's name the word truth.
[00:35:23] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Cause we wanna clear this cuz that's probably why you're working on feeling calm and being in control. Right. You were out of control back then. Hmm. And so we have to clear that energy to get you back to where you wanna be today. And so I get the word burden. Emotional vampire might have been some energy in your field of someone stealing your emotions.
[00:35:44] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Maybe it's the father off balance. I got competitiveness, competitiveness, anguish. So it really is the power. So when you asked earlier about emotions, really what I'm doing is clearing those emotions in the spaces of the [00:36:00] brain, but they start in the energy. And when we do that, it allows you to come back to a hundred percent your soul's truth.
[00:36:07] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: The more layers of this we do, and the more you are your truth, the more you can create what you want in the world. Feel happy, be yourself, and not get affected by other people's energy. And so resentment, vulnerability, off balance, competition well and received burdened emotional vampire. Wild child.
[00:36:27] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: There's a song like that we wanna play for you. , um, .
[00:36:30] Christa: I know I gave all the negative ones. I was actually a 4.0 student too, but
[00:36:35] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: yeah, no, I, no. And so I know it sounds funny when we named these words, and I know when I first started doing this and I had a mentor who helped me a little bit with this, and she said, and I was like, no, they're not a thief.
[00:36:45] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: They didn't steal anything from me. This is a nice person. No, they didn't do that, and I actually couldn't do this process. And then I started playing with it and I realized that my family was changing. I was changing, my clients we're changing, everything was shifting at such a great [00:37:00] level that I was, I couldn't ignore what was happening.
[00:37:02] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And so, although it sounds negative and I'm a very positive person, we have to sort of name the negative words and then say what did it do? And reclaim the positive. So this was all, you know, energetically just the, so the, the shock and the trauma of that. Cuz you were pregnant, very young. , that part of it.
[00:37:22] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: There's also a joy in every, and I was, I was thinking of that cuz you're so beautiful, Christa. I'm thinking, oh, what a joyful thing. Your daughter was born. You know, anytime. It doesn't matter when, when you have a child, that doesn't mean it isn't stressful too. Mm-hmm. , you know? It's both. Yeah. It's both. You know?
[00:37:40] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: So your freedom. Hmm. And your strength and your comfort to be given. So we're reclaiming more freedom for you, more strength, more comfort to be given and more. And endurance. Is there another word? Confidence. Getting back. More confidence. So good and bad, right and wrong. Pot and pop. Online shorts. [00:38:00] Boise Ambiance.
[00:38:00] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And we're just gonna tap the bottom of your foot. Is there another strain? Is there another person, place, situation We need to clear on your goals today. One more. Is this a male, female or situation? It's a situation. Recent old, old situation. Is this an ancestral string? Yes. Does this have go back on your mother's side or your father's side?
[00:38:19] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: This is dad's side of the family. How far back? 1, 2, 3, 4. This is four generations back On your dad's side of the family, I guess, tell me a little bit about your dad. What do you. About dad when you were growing up? Oh, my
[00:38:31] Christa: dad, he was what? My mom called a dry drunk. He did not drink alcohol, but his dad was an alcoholic and so, and I never knew my grandfather's an alcoholic, but I think some of those traits stay.
[00:38:43] Christa: I've heard there's a word for this, that when there's something. In a family, it actually goes back three generations. Another intuitive told me this and she had a word for it. Mm-hmm. Um, I don't know what that is, so I don't know if that is useful, but that's the main pieces I know. I know that he grew up on a farm.
[00:38:57] Christa: He was also in the war, and his [00:39:00] war experience affected all of us in our entire childhood because he didn't communicate with us when he retired. Mm-hmm. He, um, which I. . I graduated when he retired, so I was just out of the house. But when he retired, he started having conversations with us for the first time in my life and all of my siblings were like, what is going on with this?
[00:39:17] Christa: So those are the things I remember about him. But he's definitely, he's got a lot of built up internal war trauma. P T S D. Mm-hmm.
[00:39:25] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. . Yeah.
[00:39:26] Christa: Okay. Yeah. And he grew up on a farm and he has a lot of resentment on like having to do a lot of work and unevenly between sibling. Okay,
[00:39:36] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: awesome. So, you know, we carry those pattern.
[00:39:39] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: and they're not yours. So what I love about this process is it really helps free people. Mm-hmm. . And it's also, there's no shame. No blame. It's just energy. It just is. Right. And so you can be caring and I got nervousness and sorrow and vulnerabilities. So vulnerabilities come up a few times. So what we're doing [00:40:00] is clearing these layers of vulnerability.
[00:40:01] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And you said resentment. I also got wounded. Longing. I feel a longing in. Who is longing for it to be different or maybe longing for that retirement so he could open up more to all of you, you know? Is there another word we need to name? Is it here or here? One, two, three. Um, I got stubborn. Is there another word about your dad?
[00:40:23] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Here, here, here. 1, 2, 3, 4. Demoralized. Maybe that's the war thing. Demoralized. Is that a liar, thief, or fraud? That's a fraud. I mean, this is, you know, generations back here, four generations back. When we say the word fraud, it just means it's really not your truth. So you see how when we're reclaiming here, these words we're saying we get back, it stole your hope, your love, your comfort to have your enjoyment of life and your ease.
[00:40:51] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And your protection. Is there another word I need to say about the string now? Do I need to do a reading? No, we're just gonna say, I just joined [00:41:00] on creating the judgments assumptions, projections, conclusions, decisions about the situation with your dad's side of the family. Four generations back, good and bad.
[00:41:09] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Right and wrong. Pot and pop, all nine shorts, Boise and beyond. And we're just gonna tap the bottom of your foot. Yay. RMA . Clear that all the way.
[00:41:19] Christa: Yay. Clear that all the way . It's funny cause you know, sometimes this could be, depends on how aware you are on your body. I was like, man, I feel like I got heaviness in my lower half of my body.
[00:41:29] Christa: And then you're like, tap your feet. I don't know the point of that, but I'm like, I don't know if that's intentional, but it feels like it was all going down on my gut and my feet, which might just be, cuz I'm standing here, it might not be, probably not right. So I don't know why you tap the bottom of your feet except for the energy to go out.
[00:41:43] Christa: The
[00:41:43] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: energy to go out. It's just another way to kind of go, ah, I'm clearing it right outta here. Yep. Cool. All right. Do we clear all that? Yes. So we took up the trash. That's the releasing part right now. I wanna put the new program in, and this looks funny. It's energy work in the field, and it's based on [00:42:00] numbers and codes.
[00:42:01] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Math is the universal language. . And so it actually is kind of like looking at acupuncture points only. It's in the field, so it's called spin points. Mm-hmm. , because we circle and we spin, like making a circle at certain points. Hmm. And then I'm gonna say numbers and it's a way of putting the new program in.
[00:42:20] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Your intentions, your goals about being able to feel calm. Have that sense of purpose and in control. And so I have you say those intentions and then I use these circles to put in the new program. So we're really looking at your energetic field in your brain as a biocomputer. Mm-hmm. or the, today it's called the biofield too.
[00:42:41] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. . And there's been a lot of research done, nishani Jane with this, that we do have a biofield and we have an energetic field and working in the. Helps for health, wellness, personal growth, whatever that that's an important piece of all of this. And so now we have the research behind it. Mm-hmm. . So I [00:43:00] don't have to feel like, you know, I did 20 years ago ,
[00:43:04] Christa: you Shamani Jane, who is the researcher for
[00:43:06] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: this.
[00:43:06] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: She's done some, she's done some research with this. It's cool. Yeah. Greg Brighton's done a lot of that work too. Juanita Marjani, Bruce Lipton. Hmm. There's some other of of my mentors and yeah, great people. Okay, I'm gonna have you say this. Say I feel calm, a sense of purpose and in control. I feel calm.
[00:43:25] Christa: A sense of purpose and in control.
[00:43:26] Christa: Okay.
[00:43:27] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And then I just muscle test that and should bring up stress cuz we didn't do the circles yet, we didn't integrate it. Say, I enjoy relationships more deeply.
[00:43:35] Christa: I enjoy relationships more
[00:43:37] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: deeply. I wake up with energy. I wake up with energy to do what I wanna do, to do what I want to do, and make a difference in the world.
[00:43:46] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And make a difference in the world. Beautiful. Um, I know how to take care of my body and what I need.
[00:43:52] Christa: I know how to take care of my body and what I need,
[00:43:55] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: and I feel happy and in awe,
[00:43:57] Christa: and I feel happy and in
[00:43:58] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: awe. Okay, so we're [00:44:00] gonna put that program in your energy field so that's happening for you.
[00:44:04] Christa: Can we add loving?
[00:44:05] Christa: Can we add loving? That was actually a, a major emotion that I also struggle
[00:44:10] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: with. Absolutely. So I, I feel so say I feel happy, loving, and in awe. I feel
[00:44:15] Christa: happy, loving, and in.
[00:44:17] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Nice. Hey, so I'm gonna go down your left leg. Two, three, love, five, three, forgiveness. Six. Five choice, nine, two, freedom, four, two. Greater love.
[00:44:26] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And then we're gonna come down your front. Four. Two, say I have positive self-worth,
[00:44:31] Christa: I have positive
[00:44:32] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: self-worth. Two. Two. I choose to succeed. I choose to succeed. Four. Four. I choose to live in Joy. I choose to live
[00:44:40] Christa: in joy.
[00:44:41] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: And six two, I choose to live by the higher. I
[00:44:45] Christa: choose to live by the higher laws.
[00:44:48] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Excellent. 1 47. And then I'm gonna have you look at my ex. So I'm just holding up my hands in an ex. 4 5 9 6 9 6 8 6 6 8 3 to [00:45:00] 9 26 complete cycles, 5,859 times two to 8 23 Complete cycles, 2,623 times 3 7 5 3 7 7 4 5 8 6 4 6 9 4 6 7 releasing trauma ten five seventy eight two eight seven seventy five in the shock.
[00:45:19] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: 1 23 place with P five two. To 1137. Complete cycles. 87,000, 30, 57 times two to 8 24. 32 times four. 2 2 2, 4, 4, 6. 2, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7 2. Awesome. I know we're doing this on a Zoom call you guys, but could you, could you feel that Christa ?
[00:45:41] Christa: Well still, like if I'm feeling anything, it's probably in my lower gut and in my.
[00:45:46] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Awesome. Awesome. Okay, now I'm watching your face kind of change. So let's say that bottom one again. Say, I feel happy, loving, and in awe.
[00:45:54] Christa: I feel happy, loving, and in
[00:45:56] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: awe. Good. And then we're gonna lock it in. So I'm gonna [00:46:00] have you put your hands above your head and class them together. If I was with you, I would pull them down.
[00:46:05] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Okay. And then I'm gonna have you cone your fingers on your right hand, like make a little wand. And then we're gonna make a circle in front of your heart and say 2, 2, 2. I choose to succeed. I choose to succeed, and then tap your belly button eight times. Right hand. Yep, right hand. Good job. And so that locks in that process and those goals so that you can feel happy, loving and in awe, and all these things can happen for you.
[00:46:31] Christa: I've never had an experience like this on the podcast before , so I appreciate you going through it because maybe not everyone would do that. Was that. It was
[00:46:39] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: very cool. And, and wait till you see, cuz I had you take a selfie of your face. Because often we see that after picture. If someone is less stressed, it released that trauma in the field from when you were six, right?
[00:46:53] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: 17. You know, and, and an an ancestral string. And so you will feel lighter. And then I [00:47:00] often give people the mind jumps for homework to lock it in. Mm-hmm. . So for the next two weeks you're gonna process. So it'd be good to do those every day, and it'd only take you three minutes to do
[00:47:11] Christa: that. Okay. , when you talk about the mind gems, the way you did them with cross body movements, this reminds me of right, left, right brain connections, right?
[00:47:20] Christa: Yes. Because we do that. Yes. That's like Alzheimer's stuff and like trying to stimulate those right left brain connections. So I, yes. Again, I'm just looking at the connections of like, and the timeline you described, which I feel like it always takes about two to three weeks to. Kind of get some movement or traction on a, a recurrent practice almost.
[00:47:37] Christa: So, yes, does build a new neural pathway. And on that note, mm-hmm. , do you find that when you do these processes with someone one time mm-hmm. , I think the question is really how often do you do something like this with someone? Does one time change things for them? Does it just kind of depend?
[00:47:52] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yeah, that's a good question.
[00:47:54] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I don't like to do it always one time. You know, I think of it as layer. Mm-hmm. . So [00:48:00] usually it's every three weeks, sometimes two weeks. It depends on what someone really needs. Mm-hmm. , you know, um, and, and even week, weekly is almost too much because we do process mm-hmm. so biweekly or every three weeks or every four weeks.
[00:48:14] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. . And then daily though, I encourage people to do the mind jumps every. . So I've been doing those every day for 20 years. And you know, we're human. We do experiments on ourself. Mm-hmm. . Uh, so I know that when I stop, like at Christmas vacation, I'll be like, ah, I'm on vacation. I'm not gonna do anything.
[00:48:33] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: You know, and I don't feel good. I can't do that in three days. I can feel the difference that I'm not. Aligned as much. I'm not as balanced. I'm not myself, and I've gotta get back to my mind.
[00:48:43] Christa: Jims. Mm-hmm. , I always have to ask this when this child, inner child stuff comes up. Mm-hmm. , um, you know, I think his parents were like, how do we not screw up our own kids?
[00:48:53] Christa: I think I'm too late. .
[00:48:55] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Oh. Oh, that's such a great question. I love your questions. You know what? [00:49:00] We learn more from our mistakes than our successes. Hmm, that's true. And, and kids are t. and know that whatever's happening, they're learning too. Mm-hmm. , and that that was the lesson that is exactly the right thing that needed to happen.
[00:49:14] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Hmm. So we make mistakes. We have to forgive ourselves often, I think in healing. Acceptance is even more important than forgiveness. Hmm. And I give the example of the alcoholic, you know, if they don't accept their problem or their disease, they can't work on it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And so we have to accept the fact that we made a mistake or whatever, and just move on.
[00:49:35] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Allow ourselves that forgiveness. So it's acceptance and forgiveness. Hmm.
[00:49:40] Christa: I like that. Acceptance is. To me another version of awareness. Right? And I, I love that no one has ever said, I've actually asked a similar question cuz these are, you know, the podcast is partially selfer , even though it's for you guys listening, I also get to ask the questions I like to ask.
[00:49:56] Christa: So thank you so much for allowing me to do that and continue to listen. But [00:50:00] no one has really said, we learn more from our mistakes than our success. And it's, and has there been a truer statement? You don't remember things? You know, people always, no one wants. They're always like, I wish I'd a known an X, Y, Z.
[00:50:10] Christa: Right? I was talking to my friend who's a cancer nutritionist today, and, and so it's like we always want the opposite of pain, right? And so we wish we could go back in time and fix something. We wish we could have evacuated in Florida before our our House, but hindsight's 2020. How would you know? You know, you don't learn, don't know.
[00:50:27] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Right. No. You know, it's faith. I always think of this. I'm showing a pen if you can't see this, and I'm holding it upright. Mm-hmm. . And at the top of the pen is faith. And at the bottom, the pen is fear. Mm. You can't be halfway in faith and halfway in fear. You can't be halfway. , you're either in faith or you're in fear.
[00:50:46] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Mm-hmm. So the more you can stay in faith and trust, and the more you practice being there, the better. So you have to trust that you know, you're, it's not hindsight, it's what was supposed to happen. Have that faith. [00:51:00] No. and then solve the problem and move on. Hmm. Yeah,
[00:51:04] Christa: so, so much. We did so much today, , we talked about, we talked about a lot of things that are hard to, hard to summarize in a short amount of time.
[00:51:13] Christa: We talked about the brain system, the body, the releasing, the aligning, the integrating, and the new programming. We literally went through that, which that we talked about how you kind of created all of these things. There's so much more we could honestly talk about, but I. If people are here, they'd like to know where they could find you online and how they could know more about.
[00:51:31] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yeah, absolutely. So my website is luis schwartz walter.com. I'm also on Facebook and Instagram. I've got a great Facebook group. It's for successful entrepreneurs, so it's successful heart centered entrepreneurs. So you can look that up on Facebook. I'm usually there at four o'clock doing a live every Wednesday.
[00:51:50] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I'm also on YouTube. And Instagram and I love connection. I love to connect with people. So if this resonates with you on my website, [00:52:00] there is a discovery form. It's a free, you know, a little assessment. It's four questions and then I get that in my inbox and we ha we set up a call. So I love to know people just like you.
[00:52:10] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I love connections. Yeah. . Yeah. Well, thank you so much for coming. Oh, it was so awesome to be here, and thank you so much for allowing us to use you as a surrogate for that process, so hopefully other people here listening can feel that as well. And it was such a gift to meet you and work with you on this today, Christa.
[00:52:26] Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Thank you.
[00:52:28] Christa: Sharing and reviewing this podcast is the best way to help us succeed with our mission. To help integrate the best of East and West and empower you to raise the bar on your health story, just go to review this podcast.com/less stressed life. That's review this podcast.com. Less stressed life, and you'll be taken directly to a page where you can insert your review and hit post.[00:53:00]
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